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Vape Stores Open in NHS Hospitals
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Vaping News
Vape Stores Open in NHS Hospitals
June 23, 2019 It seems as though the wait is finally over for the health benefits of vaping to be properly recognised by the medical field.   Two vape shops have opened in West Bromwich’s Sandwell Hospital and City Hospital Birmingham in correlation with a newly-implemented smoke-free policy adopted by both hospitals. The incentive permits vaping on the hospital grounds but completely bans cigarette smoking, with a fine issued to anyone found smoking inside or in the vicinity of the hospital. 
Vape Stores Open in NHS Hospitals
Entrepreneurs in vaping and franchise opportunities with Vapouriz
Vapestore News
Vaping News
Entrepreneurs in vaping and franchise opportunities with Vapouriz
January 30, 2017 A staggering 44% of women who want to set up a business look to turn their hobby into a career(1), and at Vapouriz we’re dedicated to keeping innovation and technology at the forefront of everything we do.
Entrepreneurs in vaping and franchise opportunities with Vapouriz