Vaping Guides

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A Basic Guide To Vaping Etiquette
Vaping Guides
A Basic Guide To Vaping Etiquette
March 08, 2019 As you strut down the street taking deep inhales on your e-cigarette device, throwing candy-coated clouds into the air with joyful abandon, take a second to consider whether or not you are exercising proper vaping etiquette. Yes, there is such a thing and yes it is extremely important to observe if we’re to keep our beloved hobby / stop-smoking aid from being vilified and unfairly compared to the offensive practise of smoking.
A Basic Guide To Vaping Etiquette
How Nicotine Levels Work In Short Fills
Nicotine Levels
Vaping Guides
How Nicotine Levels Work In Short Fills
March 12, 2019 The TPD (Tobacco Products Directive) does not allow the sale of nicotine-containing e-liquids in bottles larger than 10mls. In response to this, ‘short fill’ bottles have been introduced to allow vapers to get more of their favourite e-liquids in bigger bottles with the most popular and short fill size being a generous 50ml.
How Nicotine Levels Work In Short Fills
Vape Mod Size Guide
Vape Mods
Vaping Guides
Vape Mod Size Guide
May 09, 2019 With so many options on the market, every mod is as individual as the vaper who owns it. And while customisation is great, getting to grips with the full range of options out there can be at times a little daunting. Read on to find out more.
Vape Mod Size Guide
What is 50/50 E-Liquid?
50/50 E-Liquid
New to Vaping
What is 50/50 E-Liquid?
March 18, 2019 The practice of vaping brings with it a lot of technical jargon. From ohms to mech mods, Squonkers to RDAs and every RTA and RDTA in between, the long list of vape-specific language can often be daunting, and even off-putting, for a novice vaper.
What is 50/50 E-Liquid?
What Is Direct To Lung Vaping?
Direct to Lung Vaping
Vaping Guides
What Is Direct To Lung Vaping?
June 05, 2019 Direct-to-lung vaping, often referred to as DTL vaping, is an inhalation style commonly used with sub ohm e-cigarettes and e-liquids. This is a very different style of inhalation to the ‘mouth-to-lung’ method used when smoking traditional cigarettes and roll-ups and, as such, it can take some getting used to.
What Is Direct To Lung Vaping?
Tips for Eco-Friendly Vaping
Vaping Guides
Tips for Eco-Friendly Vaping
July 17, 2019 As vapers, we can give ourselves a smug pat on the back for not contributing to the millions of cigarette butts which are discarded by smokers every day. Then there’s the great satisfaction we can take in the fact that our vaping doesn’t worsen the huge issue of deforestation...
Tips for Eco-Friendly Vaping
New to Vaping
Vaping Guides
How To Tell If Your Vape Coil Has Expired
June 25, 2019 One of the minor drawbacks of vaping is that, unfortunately, your coils don’t last forever. And whilst there are steps you can take to prolong the lifespan of your coils, eventually, the coil will expire (or ‘burn out') and will need replacing...
How To Tell If Your Vape Coil Has Expired
How To Clean Your Vape Tank
New to Vaping
Vape Kit
Vaping Guides
How To Clean Your Vape Tank
July 01, 2019 Are you interested in finding out how To Clean Your Vape Tank? Then look no further. In this post, we'll be discussing why you need to clean your vape tank and how to do it.
How To Clean Your Vape Tank
How To Prevent Spitback
New to Vaping
Prevent Spitback
Vaping Guides
How To Prevent Spitback
July 03, 2019 Avid vapers everywhere will no doubt be aware of the slightly unpleasant (yet harmless) phenomenon of spit-back. But what exactly is spit-back, why does it happen and most importantly - what can you do to prevent it?
How To Prevent Spitback